MT4434T Product Details

BSCKB1-120081 - Brushless Speed Controllers - Under 1HP
Part Number: BSCKB1-120081
Manufacturer: Anaheim
Price: $207.00
Typical Availability: Yes
Shipping Weight: 4 lbs

MT4434T Description

The BSCKB1-120081 is a speed controller that has integrated the MDCKB1-120081 driver, and is designed to drive DC Brushless motors at currents of up to 8A (peak) and 160V. The drive is protected against overcurrent (cycle-by-cycle), hall sensor error, and undervoltage. Included on the driver are internal potentiometeres to control the maximum phase current allowed into the motor, the maximum speed of the motor, the base speed of the motor, and closed loop compensation. In addition, there are integrated power, brake and directional switches and a speed control potentiometer to adjust the motor speed.

Technical Specifications

Number of Axes:
Soft, Home, and Hard Limits
Maximum Speed:
2.5 MHz