If you are requesting a quote, please enter the model number of each product and the quantities you are interested in, as quantity discounts often apply.
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Business Hours
Monday - Friday
(excluding USA holidays)
8:00am - 5:00pm PST

Anaheim Automation, Inc. is Kinco Automation's Master Distributor for North America, serving the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Inquiries are answered in the order they are received; typically within 48 hours (M-F). Response time is dependent upon the volume of inquiries and our business schedule. Urgent inquiries should be called into Anaheim Automation.

You can also reach us by phone, fax, or mail at:

Anaheim Automation
4985 E Landon Dr
Anaheim, CA 92807
Phone: 1-714-992-6990
Fax: 1-714-992-0471